Dealership Compliance
Training Course:
Hazard Communication Program
Federal Required Staff Training
All workplaces where employees are exposed to hazardous chemicals must have a written plan and formal training enforcing
how the standard will be implemented in that facility. An effective Hazard Communication Program
depends on the credibility of management's involvement in the program; inclusion of employees in safety and health decisions;
rigorous worksite enalysis to indentify hazards and potention hazards, including those which could result from a change in
worksite conditions of practices; stringent provention and control measures; and through training.
Who Should View:
- Entire Dealership staff (At least annually)
- All Newly-hired staff (Within 30 days of hiring)
Training Course Content
- General Information
- Chemical labeling
- Safety Data Sheets (SDS's)
- The Hazardous Materials Indentification System (HMIS)
- Related information and application
- Summary
Knowledge Quiz:
- Yes - Follows immediately after viewing the training video
- Results immediately displayed and stored in Dealership Report Center
Required Dealership Policy
- Yes
- After viewing the Training Video and passing the Knowledge Quiz, staff member
should download, print and sign the Policy as their commitment to abide by the
regulation. Dealership should keep all signed Policies on file.